This is my design...

This is my design...

...whether you like it or not

tisdag 19 juli 2011


Made another case for my phone, it was intended to look like a frog but I reckon we can all agree that it rather looks like a crocodile. Frogodile...

söndag 17 juli 2011

Design by PrinceClam

A knitted dress, made with my own pattern.

onsdag 13 juli 2011

Restyled skirt

Bought this skirt second hand a few weeks ago and made it shorter.

söndag 3 juli 2011

Another Design by PrinceClam

I found really nice yarn in a second hand shop in Lewes (England) in the end of May, enough to knit a shawl with it. Started of with a pattern i found at Ravelry but couldn't figure out how to continue after the instruction ended and then I couldn't find another pattern I liked. So I decided to make up my own pattern even though mum thinks my knitting skills aren't good enough. And here it is and even mum thinks it looks good...