This is my design...

This is my design...

...whether you like it or not

måndag 28 november 2011


Buttons made into earrings.

fredag 25 november 2011


After losing my key and my much beloved yellow keyband with the text "Kids go racing" which I got in New Zealand in January 2009, I just had to make a new one. Temporarily in love with making pompoms after making them for the mittens I just made another one...

fredag 18 november 2011


I've made a few pieces of jewelry since this summer. Started with trying to make a bracelet of a fork. Didn't like it though and turned it into a ring instead (with a little help from dad). I also made another one, a lot simpler to make. Just buying the pieces and gluing them together.
So here they are:

onsdag 9 november 2011


Me and my friend desided to dress up as TweedleDee and TweedleDum for Halloween. I improvised together 2 knitted hats for us and cut 2 collars from a t-shirt. The bowties are also from a t-shirt.